DtCyber and CDC NOS 2.8.1 with ICEMDDN

This page contains links to Tom Hunter's DtCyber CDC Cyber mainframe emulator and a ready to run NOS 2.8.1 system for that emulator with ICEMDDN installed.

The primary reason for creating this page was to allow people to use ICEMDDN (a mechanical CAD package) via Rene Richarz's Tek4010 Tektronix graphics terminal emulator.

License Notice

Desktop CYBER (DtCyber) is licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3 (GPLv3) license.
Copyright Tom Hunter, 2003-2019.

CDC NOS 2.8.1 and all related products are the property of BT Federal. They are NOT in the public domain!

In August 2016, BT Federal stated that hobbyists, researchers and institutions (such as museums) could freely use and share CDC material with the single proviso that NO COMMERCIAL USE IS ALLOWED.

By downloading the NOS 2.8.1 package linked to here, you agree to abide by this prohibition on commercial use.

Contact Information

This page was created by Nick Glazzard and if you have any queries or questions, please send them to:

  nick (at) hccc.org.uk

I will try to answer, but not necessarily quickly and I may well not know the answers in some cases! I have only used this particular NOS package to install ICEMDDN and check that it works (I usually use another version of NOS), so the information on what else is present that follows is only a brief outline.

I would be grateful if people would consult the material linked to in the Further Information section below in the first instance, though.

The NOS 2.8.1 package was created by Tom Hunter. I have only added the ICEMDDN software to it. Tom did all the hard work.

Obtaining and installing the Tek4010 terminal emulator

You can obtain Rene's Tek4010 code from GitHub:

Some additional hints

What is in the NOS Package?

From Tom's description (apart from ICEMDDN):

At present, APL is not included, so the APL features of Tek4010 cannot be exercised with this package.

Obtaining and installing DtCyber

Go to: here and follow the download instructions. These boil down to:
  svn co http://www.controlfreaks.org/DtCyber/trunk
  cd trunk
  make -f Makefile.(your_os)
There are individual Makefiles for 32 and 64 bit versions of Linux, Free BSD, Solaris and a single makefile for MacOS. I personally exist in a Windows free universe, but Tom has provided a Visual Studio 6 project which will no doubt do the job.

You will need a suitable development environment, of course. On "Unix-like" systems, this must include X11 and XQuartz will be needed on MacOS.

Some additional hints

Obtaining the NOS 2.8.1 Package

The NOS package is a gzipped tar file that can be obtained here. It is approximately 76MB in size and will expand to about 1.2GB. When uncompressed (tar xzf thunter-nos281-icem.tgz), there should be a directory called:
created. In what follows, it will be assumed that this is at the same directory level as
created when the DtCyber source was downloaded.

Running NOS 2.8.1

Once DtCyber is built and working, and the NOS 2.8.1 package has been downloaded, type:
  cd thunter-nos281/NOS803PKG
Then run DtCyber:
You should see a window appear, and after a short while, you should see this:

Press (return) and the automatic load option will execute. After a little while, you will be prompted to enter the date:

The simplest and recommended option at this point is to simply type (return). This will result in living in 1992, but it avoids any Y2K issues (NOS 2.8.7 with a patch is almost entirely Y2K safe, but I'm not sure about unpatched 2.8.1).

After a further short while, the deadstart (CDC's term for boot) will complete and you should see something very similar to this:

It is now possible to login to the Cyber mainframe.

Some additional hints on using the NOS console

There is a great deal that could be said about this, and J. Philip Draughon's document mentioned below is recommended for more detailed information. Some very basic essentials are:


Only the minimum information necessary to start and run ICEMDDN will be presented here. NOS 2.8.1 is a large and sophisticated operating system with many facilities, but this isn't the place to describe any of those! Please do note though: NOS is nothing like Unix or Windows: it is very different from today's mainstream operating systems. It may be challenging to people who haven't used it before, although it is actually quite friendly.

I will assume that you have installed Rene's Tek4010 program and are familiar with it. To start Tek4010 and talk to NOS on the same machine that is running the emulator, use:
  tek4010 -keepsize telnet localhost 6610
You should see some messages about "connecting to host" followed by:
Just type (return) in response to this.
  USER NAME: user
That is, type user (return) as the name of the user to login as.
  PASSWORD: pass
That is, type pass (return) as the password.

You then need to "attach" the ICEMDDN program and start it.
Just before pressing return after this, you should see:

You are then running ICEMDDN. I'll assume you know how to use this! I know only the very simplest basics of it at present. You will be prompted first for the baud rate. Use 9 for 9600 baud. Then for the terminal type. Use 1 for Tektronix 4014. Then you will asked about a digitizing tablet. Use 1 for no tablet. At some point I find it best to use m to turn on menu prompts, otherwise you really have to know ICEMDDN very thoroughly indeed!

An example of what you should see while entering straight line segments is:

Some additional hints on using ICEMDDN

Please note that I am a complete novice with ICEMDDN. Here are some key sequences you will need to know for sure.

Logging off

Once you have exited ICEMDDN, you may want to log off. Just use:

Shutting NOS down

It is essential to shut NOS down cleanly, as with most complex operating systems. To do this, go to the console window and type:
NOS will auto complete this for you after the first few characters (the console in this NOS package is set to UNLOCK state by default).

You should see this in the console window immediately prior to pressing (enter) after typing CHECK POINT SYSTEM.

After a while, this should be seen in the right hand "sub-window" of the console:

At this point type this in the console (it will be necessary to enter the full stop in this case):
You should then see this in the console window:

It is now safe to shutdown the DtCyber emulator. Go to the terminal window from which you started DtCyber and type:
DtCyber will then exit.

Further Information

There two documents that try to serve as an introduction to running a NOS system and (to some extent) what the various parts of NOS and the Cyber hardware on which it runs are.

These are:
There are two manuals that describe ICEMDDN here:
There is also a large collection of manuals I have gathered over the years, arranged into categories described in the "HCCC" document. This is very large (about 1GB). It can be found here . Almost all of that material can be found on bitsavers, but it can be useful to have it gathered together in one place.

